- Remembrance of Crete As summer becomes a distant memory, via Pinterest I fondly recall time spent in Crete this past summer. Follow me on my board Greece: Food, Wine and Sun. Olives, olives everywhere! Crete. Photo by jeannewmanglock
- Game Changers for Social Media in Travel for 2014? Recently Ann Tran, Forbes Top Social Influencer for 2013, asked several of her colleagues to answer the question: What will be the Game Changers for Social Media for 2014?” My focus is social media in travel for brands, suppliers and travelers. My small excerpt from her excellent article is below. You can find the full […]
- Are We All Digital Diplomats? Digital Diplomacy is a topic that, for most people, conjures up images of embassies conversing with foreign governments and broadcasting information, messages and well — propaganda — to impact foreign policy goals. I covered the challenges that the U.S. Embassy in Cairo faced using social media in an earlier article, so I was particularly interested to […]
- A Case Study: Social Media Policy, a U.S. Embassy, Egypt and Jon Stewart Are you struggling to develop a social media policy for your business, organization, brand or nonprofit? You are not alone. If you think the manual has been written or the case study highlighted for you to emulate — think again. But there are lessons to be gleaned along the way. This past week, the Twitter […]
- A Year of Tweeting and Travel: A Beginner’s Perspective Just over a year ago, I was sitting taking notes (handwritten) at a Four Seasons Preferred Partners meeting in Nevis. Listening to the excellent presentations, I was struck by my colleague sitting next to me. Stacy Small (@EliteTravelGal), President and Founder of Elite Travel International, who was busy tweeting away. I knew of her success […]